In naturopathic medicine, overall patient wellness is prioritized through health promotion and disease prevention, with a focus on addressing the underlying cause of the patient’s condition. Naturopathic Doctors provide individualized, evidence-informed therapies that balance the least harmful and most effective approaches in order to support the body in healing and maintaining optimal health. Naturopathic Medicine emphasizes treating the individual, identifying and addressing the root cause as naturally and gently as possible, and teaching patients how to cultivate health and wellness in their lives more broadly.
Naturopathic Doctors use a broad spectrum of therapies, ranging from:
lifestyle counselling
botanic medicine
physical medicine
Naturopaths can help with:
women’s health
hormonal imbalances
mental Health
sleep support
gastrointestinal health
naturopathic medicine.
To begin your Naturopath journey, we will get you in for an Initial Naturopath Assessment. This assessment may vary in length from 60 minutes to 75 minutes depending on the complexity of your case. It will include a detailed assessment of your health history, diet, and desired outcomes.